Spine Related

Targeted Solutions for Spine Health: From Pain to Peak Performance

Back Pain Relief

Back pain is one of the most common issues that people struggle with on a day-to-day basis. Most people will have some sort of back pain throughout their life. Studies show that 4 out of 5 people will experience it in the future and suggest that there are 30 million people with back pain right now. These large figures justify the claim that back pain is the biggest reason in the United States for someone to become disabled. The numbers alone should be plenty to motivate society to look into the causes and treatment options for back pain. Our Dunham-Fritz Chiropractic chiropractors have created this article to help you find a solution to your back pain, just like many others in Marshalltown, IA, have.

Trauma, disease, and misalignments are all causes of back pain. The back is a very strong foundation that protects the body from damage and helps with motion. Inflamed muscles, bones, and ligaments can lead to back pain. In some cases, an auto accident causes back pain, whereas others play sports or have bad habits that cause pain. With all these causes, it can be hard to pinpoint the exact reason for your back pain.

There are also alternative ways that back pain can develop, include 

  • Arthritis
  • Issues With Digestion 
  • Poor Health

Due to the many possible causes, experience is key in solving the issue. Our chiropractic team is trained and experienced to assist you in your treatment. We are capable of diagnosing your condition and finding the specific reason you are experiencing pain in order to correct your condition which allows you to get back to your pain-free life.

Disc Bulges or Herniations

A bulging disc or herniation is capable of causing back pain. It is essential to know that not all bulging discs and herniations are the cause of back pain. Studies showcase how more than a third of people have bulging discs, but most of them report no pain. The ones that do feel pain will experience a lot of discomfort.

The type of herniation and location is the main factor in determining the severity of the pain. If the disc is pushing into a nerve, people can experience numbness and tingling in their extremities. The pain is usually a stabbing and quick sensation. A disc herniation can be described as a donut filled with jelly. When the donut deteriorates, the jelly will leak out. This can happen from age and overuse. It is dependent on the extent of your injury, but the effects are able to be alleviated in many cases. Chiropractic care is a great option for making your pain go away.


Subluxations cause a lot of people to have back pain without them realizing where the pain is coming from. A subluxation refers to vertebrae that are not aligned in the spine properly. It can affect the movement of the person living with the condition. This waterfall effect starts to affect posture and more movements of the body and also allows a person to have less strength in fighting diseases. There is an unlimited number of causes for subluxation.

An impact from a blunt force, bad nutrition, and bad sleeping habits are all possible causes of this condition. Many people are unaware that nutrition can have an effect on the spine but are aware it can make your hair fall out or discolor your nails. It can be very difficult to create a timeline for treating a subluxation but our team is experienced in working with patients with subluxations and has proven successful in the past in treating their pain.

Tendon or Ligament Strains and Muscular Sprains

A sprain or strain can occur to anyone but it is common in individuals doing tasks their body is not accustomed to. 

For example, if a person who hasn't even run in months decided to sprint a mile, they would be at a high risk of a strain or sprain due to their lack of training. 

Sprains are small or complete tears in ligaments from pushing the ligament past its limits. Strains can occur on a muscle after picking up an object that is too heavy or heavier than one is used to. These injuries happen especially when an individual is not using the proper form. Chiropractic care can help both strains and sprains as, in most cases, they originate from the spinal area. 

Back Pain and Stress

People who experience higher levels of stress generally have different physical makeup compared to people who are not used to dealing with stress. The body releases different hormones for people who are dealing with high levels of stress. An 

A few of the body’s responses to stress can be: 

  • Increased Heart Rate 
  • Increased Blood Pressure 
  • Cortisol Release

These responses are usually a short burst but for people that deal with stress more often, it can cause health issues. Heart disease, back pain, and obesity can result from stress. In many cases, stress is located at “trigger points” in the back. Dunham-Fritz Chiropractic team has been successful in helping correct patients' backs at these trigger points.

When a chiropractor creates a treatment plan for an issue, they make sure to treat the source of the problem and not solely treat the symptoms. Our team can help you with your back pain using our proven methods! Please don’t hesitate to contact us; our staff is happy to help!

Headaches and Migraines

There are many people dealing with headaches and migraines, these painful and annoying occurrences are never fun. If you are not sure if you experienced a migraine or not, then you most likely did not. Most people who experience migraines are nearly paralyzed by the pain. Traditional medicine uses OTC and prescription medicine to help the pain but in most cases, this does not help. To pinpoint the source of your migraines, call and make an appointment at our chiropractic clinic.

There are many signs that come about before a migraine occurs, including:

  • Depressed Mood 
  • Mild Hallucinations 
  • Increased Irritability
  • Sensitivity to Light and Noise 
  • Some Feelings of Dizziness

Chiropractic Relief for Headaches and Migraines

There is a lot of proof that chiropractic care is able to help with headaches and migraines. A misaligned spine can be treated to allow the body to be able to heal itself better and in some cases cause migraines and headaches to stop completely. Most people are unaware that a chiropractor can help fight against headaches and migraines with regular chiropractic care.

For many years, chiropractors have been helping patients with headaches and migraines. This is possible from the vast knowledge and understanding a chiropractor has of the spine and how the nervous system operates. When the spine is misaligned, there is unneeded pressure on other parts of the column. The irritated nerves mean your body is not operating at its full potential. Problems start to arise because the body is not fully efficient, and headaches and migraines are usually the start of a variety of issues that will arise in the future.

How Can Headaches Be Relieved?

The source of your headaches must be pinpointed in order to design a treatment plan. Our team will complete a thorough examination in order to find exactly what is causing your pain. Prescription medication is only effective at treating the symptoms as opposed to the actual cause of the headaches or migraines. We are determined to fix the cause and want to help you reach full health without any side effects from medication.

Live life pain-free without any headaches or migraines, and call our team at Dunham-Fritz Chiropractic with any questions you have. We have helped many patients just like you and look forward to meeting you!

Struggling With Neck Pain?

Looking for pain relief for neck pain is a struggle that millions of people are going through every day. Neck pain cannot be relieved until the source of the pain is found. Our chiropractic team uses specialized techniques to pinpoint the source of pain. Our techniques have proven effective in the past.

Through natural techniques, chiropractors have had success in effectively treating neck pain for over 100 years. Our chiropractic clinic commonly treats neck pain.

All nerves that provide senses originate in the spine. A misaligned spine can cause irritation and tension in the surrounding muscle tissue. The surrounding muscle tissue acts this way because of normal body reactions to keep the spine safe. Poor posture can add to these effects, causing chronic pain and nearly permanent damage.

Don’t let neck pain or spinal misalignments give you pain any longer. Most people think the issue will resolve itself. The pain can sometimes relieve itself, but the underlying problem is not fixed until treatment has been done. A person is more prone to a severe injury with a misaligned spine, and the longer they wait can lead to a harder reversal.

Common VS. Normal

Unfortunately, many individuals make the mistake of assuming neck pain is just a normal life event. Dealing with neck pain for extended periods of time can result in worse problems down the road. Taking care of these issues early on is suggested.

Our first step in treatment will be viewing your medical history and then proceeding to pinpoint the source of your pain, treat it, and start you on the road to recovery.

Rid yourself of neck pain; we can provide relief to your neck pain. Feel free to contact us today and start on our new patient special.

Sciatica Relief

Hospitals will receive many people with a medical condition called sciatica. People affected by sciatica will search for answers to their nagging pain. The longer it is left untreated, the worse it will become; therefore, our chiropractic clinic will provide you with important information for relief and recovery from sciatica.

Symptoms will seem never-ending for sciatica patients. Sciatica is usually in the lower extremities, and the pain can vary from mild to intense. On many occasions, leaving sciatica untreated has resulted in heightened pain.

The lumbar and pelvic regions are most susceptible to the underlying cause of sciatica. The delicateness formation of the spine reaches peak levels in these regions. Our team has been trained to locate the source of the pain and then realign the spine to relieve your sciatica. Patients have claimed daily actions such as tying their shoes result in disruptive pain. Most people will not realize they have sciatica and, therefore, do not understand that the condition has actually become worse over time.

How Long Until My Sciatica is Relieved?

The severity and how long you have had sciatica are two factors when determining how long it may take to be completely relieved of your pain. Some patients will find immediate relief, and some patients require numerous sessions to find relief. Fortunately, chiropractors can provide relief for sciatica in a shorter period than how long it took to develop sciatica.

Due to the low success rate of surgeries for sciatica, it is surprising the number of Americans who pay for this risky form of treatment. Over a span of 5 years, a study was done that resulted in ineffective results for every 85 of 100 patients. With only 15 experiencing suitable relief, it’s time for a new option.

If you want pain relief that is risk-free and at a low cost then contact our chiropractic team today to schedule an appointment.

Struggling With Scoliosis?

In most cases, scoliosis is caused by a curve in the spine that slowly gets worse as time passes. For an individual to have scoliosis, they must have at least a 10-degree curve in the spine, but in many cases, the angle is greater. Scoliosis is usually accompanied by a lot of pain. But you're in luck! With a proactive treatment plan, chiropractors can treat and prevent scoliosis.

Chiropractic Care for Scoliosis

Despite a lot of research as to why scoliosis happens, there is no exact one reason. Researchers do claim that it is more common in young women. Most of the time, scoliosis stems from one vertebra being in the wrong place. An imbalance is created as the spine muscles start to favor certain parts of the back. These imbalances and misalignments cause the spine to start to curve. Many teachers are able to spot scoliosis in their students due to the amount of time spent with them and the obvious tilt of a student with scoliosis. Unlike other spinal conditions, scoliosis cannot be fixed by simply fixing your posture.

Scoliosis is most common in kids but can still arise in adults. As an adult starts to age, the vertebrae start the degeneration process. If there is a lack of care, the degeneration process can speed up for individuals with osteoporosis. This weakening of discs and vertebrae causes the listed imbalances and misalignments, which leads to scoliosis. If the curvature described is not treated the organs can potentially be damaged.

A simple x-ray can be performed by your healthcare professional in order to determine what the best method of treatment should be. We are educated and experienced in diagnosing scoliosis, schedule an appointment today.

Chiropractic Care for Scoliosis

When it comes to scoliosis, starting with the least invasive approach is always a smart choice. Chiropractic care has proven to be an effective treatment for this condition, and our team has extensive experience helping patients with scoliosis.

Understanding the Causes of Scoliosis

Before treatment begins, we conduct a thorough examination of your spine and overall health to identify the root cause of scoliosis, which may include:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Previous injuries
  • Certain occupations or physical activities

Personalized Treatment Plan

After your evaluation, we develop a customized treatment plan designed specifically for your needs. Our approach includes:

  • Gentle spinal adjustments to correct misalignments
  • Regular check-ups to monitor progress
  • Ongoing support to help manage your condition

Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment for Scoliosis

Many of our patients experience relief from scoliosis and are able to:

  • Return to their favorite activities
  • Improve posture and spinal alignment
  • Reduce pain and discomfort

Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have. We are here to help!

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